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22 d’octubre 2005

Diversidad cultural

La 33 Conferencia General de la Unesco ha aprovado el Convenio sobre la protección de la diversidad cultural.

2 comentari/s:

de novembre 08, 2005, Anonymous Anònim comenta...

Blogger this is great!
It's funny how I was looking for this type of thing and found your post: Diversidad cultural. It pulled me right out of my research on sports rash guards products and allowed me to sit down for a nice read. Thanks for your great job Blogger. I think I'll hang out on your blog for a while and be done with sports rash guards stuff for now. Have a good day Blogger.

de novembre 10, 2005, Anonymous Anònim comenta...

Hey Blogger...
How did you get your blog to be so good? Originally I was out trying to locate surfing rashguards related information, but your post ' Diversidad cultural ' got my attention and stopped me in my tracks :) Glad I found you because I'm trying to improve my site about surfing rashguards and your blog here gave me some excellent ideas. Thanks Blogger for the good read and I think I'll mention your blog to my cousin (if that's okay...)

Keep up your effort ~ and good job.


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